Sunday, December 29, 2019

Using Question Words That Begin With Wh in English

There are a number of ways you can ask a question in English, but the most common way is to use a word that begins with the letter combination wh-. There are nine wh-  question words, which are also called  interrogatives. One of them, how, is spelled differently, but it functions the same way and is thus considered a wh- question: What (What  do you want for dinner?)Who (Who  do you think will win the election?)Whom (I want to know to  whom  I should address this letter.)Whose (Whose  sock is this?)Which (Which  of these shirts should I buy?)When (When  does the concert begin?)Where (Where  should we visit in Spain?)Why (Why  is the sky blue?)How (How  do we get there from here?) By using one of these words to ask a question, the speaker is inferring that he or she expects a reply that is more detailed than a simple  yes or no  can satisfy. They imply that the subject has a range of options from which to choose or possess specific knowledge of a subject. Using Wh-  Question Words Wh-  question words are pretty easy to identify because they nearly always are found at the beginning of a sentence. This is called  subject/verb inversion  (or subject-auxiliary inversion), because the subjects of these sentences follow the verbs, rather than precede them. For instance: What did you do at the mall? (Subject is you)Where should we go on vacation? (Subject is we) As with much of English grammar, there are exceptions to this rule, such as when the  subject  is itself a  wh- word, as in these examples: When is not important; we need to decide where to go first.Who left the door open?What is that doing here? Another exception applies youre asking a question about the  object of a preposition  in a declarative sentence: To whom is that package addressed?For whom is the subject matter of this film appropriate? This kind of formal language, while grammatically correct, is not used often in informal conversation. But its quite common for  academic writing. Special Cases If your question is urgent or you want to follow up your first query to get more information, you can use the auxiliary verb do to add emphasis. For example, consider this dialogue: Where did you go on vacation? (verb phrase: did go)We went to Mexico City.What did you do there?   (verb phrase: did do)We visited our friends who live there. You must also use do if youre using a wh-  question in the negative, including instances where the wh-word functions as the subject: Who doesnt love freebies?Why I didnt buy this shirt earlier is beyond me. Finally, remember that you can also use wh-  words to ask a question by placing them at the end of a sentence, rather than at the beginning, where theyre usually found: Youll be visiting Spain until when?Todays date is what?Your wedding is being held where? Sources BBC World Service staff. Learning English: Wh- Questions., Ronald; McCarthy, Michael; Mark, Geraldine; and OKeeffe, Anne. Wh-  Questions: From  English Grammar Today.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

My First Lesson About Gambling - 1194 Words

Quotation What the Text Says Style/Rhetorical Choices What the Text DOES â€Å"This was my first lesson about gambling: if you see somebody winning all the time, he isn’t gambling, he’s cheating. Later on in life, if I were continuously losing in any gambling situation, I would watch very closely. It’s like the Negro in America seeing the white man win all the time. He’s a professional gambler; he has all the cards and the odds stacked on his side, and he has always dealt to our people from the bottom of the deck† (Haley 16). Malcolm X describes an early time in his life when he lived in the â€Å"ghetto† and took part in activities that included gambling and drug dealing. He connects those experiences with nationwide issues at the time: racism, discrimination, and inequality. Growing up, Malcolm had always noticed how people of the white race had a substantial amount of advantages in life. Most things seemed to work in their favor. For those of the darker race, the amount of opportunities they had was not the same; just by their appearance and color, they had immediately been placed at the bottom of society from birth and there was no possible way to rise up. Anecdote Analogy Through the use of an anecdote, the author establishes a better connection with those who can relate from his experiences. With his knowledge of gambling, Malcolm X explains how the practice of it is similar to the viewpoints of blacks towards whites during the 1930s and 1940s. The whiteShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes the Pardoner Corrupted in Geoffrey Chaucer The Pardoneer ´s Tales701 Words   |  3 Pagesand his personality. In â€Å"The Pardoner’s Tales†, he also use the word that directly describe him and what he is. His act and teaching are all from the church teaching, that means the church at that time is corrupted. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Comparing Manchester Airport to Starbucks Free Essays

One of the aims of Starbucks is Global Responsibility. This is similar to Manchester Airport’s aim Environmentally Friendly because Manchester Airport is planning to cut the amount of CO2 emissions and recycle more; also Manchester Airport provide triple glazing windows for people who live very close to Manchester Airport so that they aren’t affected by the sound. Starbucks is intending to make 100% of their cups recyclable by 2015, also to make 100% of their coffees in high quality, to contribute over 1 million lion hours of community service by 2015, to make 100% of their coffees fair traded. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing Manchester Airport to Starbucks or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also Starbucks is aiming to reduce energy and water conservation plus, Starbucks staff cleans their equipments such as mugs, cups etc, so that it’s re-usable. These are similar because both of the company is planning to make the environment better by recycling plus they both care about other people and the planet because Manchester Airport is providing triple glazing windows, in addition, Starbucks is paying their farmers with fair trade. This shows that both of the company care about other people because they provide something to customers so that it’s suitable in the condition they live in. Differences They are also different because Manchester Airport runs only in tertiary sector because they provide a service to people. Starbucks runs on entire sector primary, secondary and tertiary because they pay farmers to grow the beans so they are primary, they are in the secondary sector because they roast the beans into coffee, and they are in the tertiary sector because they sell the products and provide a service to customers. In addition there is also a big difference between both because Starbucks sells products such as coffees, cold drinks, equipments etc. Also Starbucks produces its own product. Manchester Airport only rents out space to Airlines. Starbucks serves cold drinks, hot drinks, muffins and cake and more and they even merchandise cups with the Starbucks logo on it. Manchester Airport provides a service; they have shops in the airport so that you can buy food and drinks. Plus on top Manchester Airport’s activities has a massive difference compared to Starbucks the only similarity is that they both work in the tertiary sector plus, they both provide a service to customers. Starbucks coffee company and Manchester airport are very different business so their activities are not similar at all. Starbucks activities involve selling more than just coffee; they sell cold beverages, hot beverages and have a wide variety of different types of teas. Starbucks also sell merchandise such as Which Business is bigger? Starbucks business is far bigger than Manchester Airport; this is because Starbucks run internationally, Starbucks runs in more than 55 countries and they have 16,635 stores worldwide therefore, they are making massive profit worldwide and so they would need more staff to operate the business. Manchester Airport has only has one airport in Manchester, they are not an international business so they make less profit and so they have less staff. Competitors Competitors Manchester Airport – Liverpool and Heathrow Both of the company’s competitors are similar because their rivals do exactly the same thing. Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Nero and Costa Coffee is Starbucks rival runs in all of the sectors, pay their farmers with fair trade, provide coffee and recipes, provide cold drinks and sell equipment, for example espresso machine and filter machine. Costa Coffee sells coffees such as espresso, cappuccino, Americano etc. These drinks are exactly the same as what Starbucks provide. However Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Nero has a different theme which is used on its website, it’s very different compared to Starbucks, Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Nero has a black background on its website and the logo is just a plain blue rectangle box that says Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Nero. This website doesn’t look that appealing, because it’s very plain nor does it look posh. Costa Coffee website theme is a maroon background and a plain white logo saying â€Å"Costa†. Starbucks logo looks more nicer than Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Nero and Costa Coffee because it’s not just plain it’s a circle logo that says â€Å"Starbucks Coffee† and on the centre it shows a coffee, the background of the website is cream and has a picture of a leaf at the back, the website is also well organised, it’s more far more easier to navigate therefore it would be more appealing to customers. I think that Costa Coffee won’t be able to compete well against Starbucks because they only have 442 Stores and also Cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Nero has only 520 shops worldwide, whereas Starbucks has 16,635 Stores, Starbucks website looks far more organised and more expensive than both of their competitors therefore, I believe that Starbucks are successful on being competitive. Liverpool and Heathrow Airport are just exactly same as Manchester Airport because they rent out space to airlines and provide a service to customers. Heathrow is Manchester Airports main UK competition because it has 5 terminals, more airlines fly from there, particularly long haul flights to the US with British Airports. To compete Manchester Airport could rent out to airlines for less money so that they try to gain more business with long haul companies such as continental virgin Atlantic. Liverpool John Lennon Airport is main local competition – they specialise in Budget Airlines such as Ryan air and Easy jet, therefore Manchester Airport has got to attract budget airlines. Qatar airlines fly from Manchester Airport. Manchester Airport has better services such as shops, restaurants etc. Heathrow Airport has 67 million customers every year, whereas Manchester Airport has only 53 Million customers every year. So I believe that Manchester Airport isn’t that good at competing with other airlines, however they can improve by making more space so that more airlines can fly, and make more long haul flights and rent space to airlines for cheaper so that they get more airlines. How to cite Comparing Manchester Airport to Starbucks, Papers